Saturday, October 1, 2011

Perfection..yet so kitchen! kitchen!

A branzino fillet browned in butter & olive oil
snugly cushioned by a dollop of ratatouille
and served with browned roasted baby potatoes.
Perfection.. yet so simple at
kitchen! kitchen!
(Serves 1)

1 fillet of branzino at your fish monger or Wholefoods
* or use sea bass*
Season the fillet with amazing dry rub/or if you prefer salt and white pepper
*see previous posting of amazing dry rub*
A tbsp. of olive oil/and a bit of butter
2 Medium size golden potatoes quartered  (see previous posting of roasted potatoes).
In a non-stick pan heat the olive oil and butter;  gently drop the fillet skin side down until the sides start to brown and gently flip and cook until done - about 2-3 minutes on each side.
Serve with roasted potatoes and ratatouille and a scattering of basil.

Simplicity and perfection !!! that's all you need to enjoy the meal.

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